Dealing With Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens
Dealing With Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens

Dr. Dan Bilsker, Dr. Merv Gilbert, Dr. David Worling, Dr. Jane Garland
Downloads: DWD Print Version – DWD Writable Version – Guide autosoins complet
Dealing with Depression is a workbook for teens that explains depression and teaches three main antidepressant skills you can use to help overcome or prevent it. The skills are presented in a step-by-step way so that you may learn them easily and apply them to your life. Sometimes these antidepressant skills can be used on their own, when the mood problem isn’t too severe, and sometimes they have to be used along with treatments prescribed by professionals. Either way, practicing these antidepressant skills will help you deal more effectively with low mood and depression.
Note that for most teens with serious depression, use of this self-help guide alone will not be sufficient to resolve the depression. People with serious depression should obtain treatment with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or antidepressant medication. DWD is intended for: teens with depressed mood; concerned family members or friends who want to help a depressed teen; and clinical providers who would like to use the manual as an adjunct to their treatment.
Funding for this book was provided by the Ministry for Children and Family Development, province of British Columbia, Canada. It was developed at the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health & Addiction , Simon Fraser University.
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